Friday 30 August 2013

Making No. 2

Fabric printed by "hammering" leaves and flowers.

Identity I - watercolour on paper

leaves / Steiner spiral



Had a wonderful time making at Kingsley and John's. Thank you both for letting me take over your kitchen table with my wummings and water-colourings!! I so enjoyed it. Xx

Thursday 22 August 2013


A little late.. But better late than never!!

When in Edinburgh, espessially in the months of August it is a well documented passtime for any seasoned traveler to go Fringling spotting.  One can usually spot them by their strange outfits, suitcases and glazed expressions. Occasionally you will see one carring an instrument or with an accompanying animal or bicycle. These strange and reclusive creatures who only come out of the woodwork once a year are a great joy to spot as they converge on the city like strange migratory birds.

Stand-Up comics from the 1800's.
You will see by their winning expressions... And signs which would read
"4 stars from The Scotsman.... Truly impressive comedy beste ine olde Edinburghe towne" 
... so started the long tradition of harassed and strangely dressed stand up comics trying to get one to come to their show by carrying large billboards and handing out badly printed flyers...

What even is this!?!

Two tired Fringelings!!

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Little Island on the Edge of the Ocean

Iona - Swimming at North Beach I experienced for the first time what it was like to understand an island. A completely different experience to any other sense of belonging that I had ever felt before. Such a small place, and yet so important within the context of everything else. They say no man is an island, yet I believe that it may be a very true metaphor, islands are not places of isolation, but part of a larger picture of sea and sky and rocks and birds and sheep, and of other islands, other countries, other continents.
And of community too. The abby, the pilgrims, all the beautiful people that I met on the Iona Youth Festival. All these small islands at the edge of the huge ocean of life. Buffeted by rain, smiled upon by sun; all separate, yet part of this great earth. Never have I felt more grateful to be an island.
