Sunday 30 June 2013

RIVA week one.

Here is what has been happening in our first week at RIVA
Bees are now officially my favourite animal.
In case you were wondering.

Amy's amazing bee-friendly hive and Deborah's painting.

Honey tasting and bee making.

My illustration of Queen Elizabeth I as a beehive as a demonstration of a bee community representing a  monarchy.

Beautiful community garden and a talk about bees. This proud garden owner has planted her garden entirely for the bees. 

The beginnings of Sophie's Slovenian Bee house. Traditionally in Slovenia panels are painted with myths or quirky scenes (for example a snail chasing tailors up a tree). We encouraged the kids to make up their own bee myths. From the top: me, Zain, Yigit, and my friend Sophie's. 

Bee keepers out side my window. 


  1. lovely my dear, love the photos. I'm your no. 1 fan xx

  2. Beeutiful photos Iona. Loving seeing your paintings too - you are the bee's knees! Ohh don't you miss us? Xx
