Wednesday 4 September 2013


A walk at Tobermory.

1. The colours of the cottages.
2. Sea kelp! Seek help!!
3. Waterfall
4. Pealing paint on old boat.
5. Little "mousol" village of Tobermory
6. Moss and lichen forest....
Just for you Kang!!!
7. More beautiful waterfalls...
8. ... flowing down into the sea. This is where I found the famous otter poo! Dad wrote a poem to commemorate this grand occasion!
"Otter poo in all its glory
When found on a beach
At Tobermory."
9. Tara braving hypothermia for a scottish swim!!
10. Me (not going for a scottish swim!!)
11. Loch at Tobermory next to witch wood.
12. Making islands.

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